|  Abstract: In 1997, funds from the Mason Foundation enabled the Canterbury Museum to undertake investigative and remedial conservation treatment on the Egyptian mummy Tash pen Khonsu, concentrating on the mummy itself and the bottom portion of the sarcophagus, in preparation for CT Scanning. Additional examination and conservation treatment on the coffin lid and the cartonnage were carried out over a six month period beginning September 2000 by Kirsten Schroeder, a student of the conservation program at the Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sience) Hildesheim in Germany during a practical semester. The treatment report contains a full description, condition report, treatments and tests carried out, including photographic documentation. References and material records used are added to the appendix. Samples taken and unidentified paint flakes from the cartonnage, as well as additional prints and slides, are stored in the conservation laboratory of the Canterbury Museum Christchurch.
Period of treatment: October-December, 2000 in Conservation Lab. at Canterbury Museum Christchurch.
|  | State of Report: 2000-12-00 |